Juraj Jakubisko’s movie Bathory (2008) initially sets out to readdress the balance with a historically accurate retelling of the countess’ life, however this soon goes out the window in favour of a picturesquely gothic tragedy. In the film, Bathory (played, with a sexy eastern European accent, by Anna Friel) is a benevolent renaissance woman, with a talent for healing, and an interest in anatomy. While her brutish husband is away fighting the Turks, she protects the chastity of her maids and household from overenthusiastic soldiers. So far, so plausible. However things quickly take a turn for the ridiculous. A romantic subplot is introduced where the blood countess has an affair with an imprisoned Milanese painter, who then turns out to be Caravaggio.
Jakubisko decides to throw all pretence of historical accuracy to the wind, and we end up with a film with all the factual merit of its Hammer predecessor. The story is narrated by a Catholic monk, who posits that the religious and political establishments turn against Erzésbet to seize control of her land and wealth, but that isn’t really important when the film is also asserting that the Countess was an early surgeon and coroner, and that the Church invented the photograph several hundred years before the French did.
If the films plot is weak (and it is) it does at least make up for it a bit with the visuals. The films lush cinematography highlights the baroque set pieces, the sumptuous gothic costumes (which includes a gorgeous Venetian ball scene), and the stunning Hungarian countryside (although in actuality it was filmed in Slovakia and the Czech Republic).
Bathory isn’t going to change people’s perceptions of the supposed serial killer; it will at least prove a guilty pleasure for fans of Goth melodrama and so-called bodice rippers.
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